- Date 15 Feb 2018
- Faculty Vinod Chawla
- Skills Communication Skills , interviewing skills
First and foremost, you need to be a certified trainer. As of soft skills, you need experience more than the certification. Unless that certification takes into account your experiences.
A good trainer (be it in soft skills or technical) need to be an expert in their field to gain learner’s trust and confidence. If you don’t walk the talk, your learners won’t either.
If a program that you want to train involves a system or processes then it will be better to be certified. Again it goes back to that trust. People will know that you are not only familiar with the processes but had gone through the required evaluation to determine your competency in adhering to the process.
such as time management, corporate cultures or communication don’t need certification. It’s more of your exposures on these fields where you can provide sound advice and solutions to their problems.
Interviewing Skills refers to those actions which candidates perform at the time of interviews. It includes
interview behavior, controlling nervousness or asking intelligent questions. If you have interviewing skills,
you will probably receive more job offers. So, to improve your interviewing skills you should take in mind
the following points regarding interview;
Questions in the interview are normally depends on job for which you are appearing in interview. But
Normally Following Types Of Questions Are Commonly Asked;
a) Personal Questions
b) Academic Questions
c) Miscellaneous Questions
d) Current Affairs
Before we proceeds further, we must keep following points in mind for pre interview;
You must reach at least 30 minutes before the start of interview, at place.
You are under CCTV camera observation there, so sit calmly.
Do not discuss with other candidates.
When your turn comes, gracefully knock the door.
Seek permission, MAY I Come in Sir.
After getting permission, say ’Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Evening as per time of
When you occupy chair, say ‘Thank you’.
Following points should keep in mind;
Switch off your mobile.
Do not have chew gum, Elaichi, etc. in your mouth.
You should be in proper dress, cloths are ironed, shoes should be polished and hairs are properly
There should be smile on your face.
Leg should not be placed on leg.
You should sit with a straight posture.
Communication skill should be good.
Proper eye contact is required.
Due respect should be given to board.
You must have a confidence in you.
In between interview, if water tea etc. are offered, say ‘No Thanks’.
You should offer your hand to board, for shake hand but if board offer, you must give your hand.
Do not speak against previous employer or give negative comment.
Do not give adverse comment of govt. policies.
Your attitude should be positive.
Normally following points are observed in interview;
Your communication Skill
Eye Contact
Pitch of Your Voice should be very high.
There should be clarity in your idea.
Only to the point, brief answers are given.
Apart from the above, you must exhibit quality of leadership.
If question you are asked for why you have left your previous job then you should always say ‘For
Better Prospect’, and do not say against your previous employer.
If, it is asked which news paper you are reading, you must know the name of its editor and the
name of its columnist.
You must know, what is the meaning of your name
Try to relate your academic qualification with you job.
When asked, whether you can work under pressure, you should say ‘working under pressure is a
good learning experience.
You should aware of in depth about your city and state.
Generally board asks following questions;
How you will be useful for our organization.
Are you ready to go anywhere in India, if the answer is ‘YES’, than it will be asked, whether it will not
disturb your family life (normally it is asked from female candidates, who are married).
What is your Strength & Weakness?
(Say 3-4 strength such as –I am Goal –oriented, hard working, ability to convenience and a disciplined
You may say whenever any work is allotted to me, so long it is not completed, I feel uncomfortable.
When you do not know any question you should say ‘Sorry Sir I don’t know’ or you may say ‘I am not in a
position to recollect’.