Bad Example :

Hi Simran,

I want to let you know that you were not attentive in last month’s meeting in the absence of your co-ordinater. It will not be beneficial for the department.




What is the e-mail about? Is the allegation is supported by some facts or evidence? Or grammatical errors are rectified? Is the information is clear and complete, which meeting is Rakesh talking about? Well, we’re not sure! Is there some lack of courtesy and politeness in the communication?   Indeed, Rakesh lacks all the vital communication skills, which are being supposed to have been inherit in the employees of a corporate organization. Apparently, Rakesh violated all the communication norms and apparently warned his sub-ordinate rather.


Good Example :

Hi Simran,

I want you know that I came to know about incident of your not being supportive    in the meeting for Advertisement Project on the 3rd of November last month. It is not up to the mark against the expectations from you. I hope you’ll show some significant improvement regarding this.




    This second message is much clearer, because the reader has the information he needs to take action. Now-a-days, there are modern techniques which should be satisfied during the course of communication. There are seven C’s of communication which are as follows:-


  • Clarity – Firstly, you should be clear about the purpose for which you are being communicating with the other person. Make sure that it’s easy for your reader to understand your meaning.


  • Conciseness – To be concise signifies us to stick to the point and keep it brief. Your audience doesn’t want to listen 10 sentences instead of 5 sentences. You should keep in mind that you avoid unnecessary adjectives like “you see”, “for instance”, etc. and also are there any unnecessary sentences?



  • Concreteness – Your message should need to be strong while evident by vivid facts (though not too many). It should be detailed, so that the audience has a clear picture of what you are telling.


  • Correctness – Did you use much technical words which doesn’t fitted your audience knowledge. Your communication should be error-free, grammatically correct as well as names and titles should be spelled correctly.



  • Completeness – In a desired complete message, the audience wants everything which needs to be informed. You should be clear about what the audience expect from you and vice-versa.


  • Courteous – Courteous communication is honest, open and friendly. There are no hidden facts and insults. You should be precisely empathetic to your audience needs.



  • Consideration – Consideration implies taking into consideration the emotions as well as problems of your audience. Use your words in such a manner that suits the needs of your audience while making your message complete.


          Good communication skills are the ladders to your promotion, increment and successful future in your corporate field job.



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