Company Creation-
Company creation is the first step towards the any accounting software.
To create company click Create Company at Company Info menu to get Company Creation screen.
After it we will get the Company Creation screen.
In company creation screen the main and major part is Directory, because it describe the path of the location where our data will be saved. To keep company data in any other place, press <backspace> to move cursor to Directory field and enter a valid path where you wish to keep data files for the company.
Company Creation Screen

Financial Year Starting Date-
At the Financial year from field, enter the Beginning date of Financial Year. If you follow April-March Financial Year, enter 1st April of the Beginning Year. In fact, you may enter any date at Financial Year From (like 24-10-17) and tally would close the books exactly 12 months from the date you enter here. Later on, you may cut or extend the financial period according to your need through Current Period. Do not change date after voucher entry.
Books Beginning Date-
Enter the Books Beginning Date at the field. Normally, the Books Beginning Date is same as Financial Year Starting Date, so Tally proposes the Financial Year starting date at Books Beginning From field. You should change the date when you start books from mid period. The Books Beginning From date must be within 12 months from the date entered at Financial Year From.
After it Tally asks for your confirmation to save the Company Profile as entered. You can also press Ctrl+A to save quickly.
Alteration / Deletion of Company-
Press Alt+F3 for Company Info button at Gateway to get company Info menu, select Alter from Company Info menu and select the company from the list of selected companies.
The Company Alteration screen showing the same information entered in the Company Creation screen is displayed except the Directory field.
At the Company Alteration screen, you may carry out necessary alteration or fill up any blank field left earlier. Press Ctrl + A to save the modified information.
After voucher entry, DO NOT change the Financial Year From Date as it may render previous data unusable.
Deletion of Company-
To Delete a Company, press ALT + D at company Alteration screen. A confirmation ‘Delete? Yes or No’ appears. Type ‘Y’ or Yes to confirm Deletion. The data files of company will be deleted.
You CAN NOT get back a Deleted Company. Therefore you should take Backup before Deletion of A Company.